Character Design – Back to Basics

Hello! Hello!

Whilst I have been spending more time at home due to the pandemic, I have also had some more time to explore the things that I love, like drawing! I thought since I am searching for drawing tutorials, I would post some examples of the ones I really like. There is this cool tutorial I found on SOS Factory featuring a quick, fun exercise about the basics of character design: shapes. You can find that tutorial here:

My favorite thing to draw is original characters. My brain is swimming with all sorts of shifty, cutesy, beefy characters and sometimes when I try to draw them they don’t quite convey what I want them to convey. They’re bland. Blah. Mundane. So, how do you spice up your character design? Draw a character based on a singular S H A P E. Try it out! Here is where I started.


Three basic shapes: square, circle, triangle. Now you have to use some imagination here and develop a character that still resembles the original shape. This was kind of a challenge for me since I tend to get stuck in the rut of drawing the same body/facial types. If you’re having trouble visualizing this just do several different versions until you start to get in the groove and come up with something that you feel confident with. If the first draft isn’t right, keeping going because that’s the point of the exercise.


Aaaaand here is what I came up with. So I started with the square, and I feel like the personality of my character did not quite come through here since I was trying to figure out who my character was AS I was drawing it, which I think was the wrong way to go about it. So I think he still came out quite ambiguous, but the practice of drawing a square body was still fun!

The circle was my 2nd try, and I feel like it came out a bit better, with more personality. But I think the legs are too rigid, and the pose is not quite what I would like. If I was to make this character into a silhouette, I think the pose would be confusing to the eye.

Now the third character, the triangle, came out the best in my opinion. The pose is dynamic. The personality of the character shines through as an outgoing, confident, yet wacky person. I was able to draw a body shape that I don’t think I have ever drawn before, utilizing the saggy pants as part of the design.

So if you want to challenge yourself and go outside the box definitely try this exercise. This was a great refresh that I needed to spice up my stale drawings that all had the same body type and face. Let me know in the comments below if you tried this and how you felt about it. Or if you have any other cool tutorials for me to check out.

Bye Bye!

Stamp Out Writer’s Block

Good tidings everyone!

We’ve all had writer’s block before. Whether it is lack of motivation, or inspiration something is blocking you from reaching your potential. Perhaps there is a fear of failure? Whether or not you write the next bestseller, you just need to stop worrying and start writing. It’s tough to just let that shit go, and find it within yourself to create something from out of nothing.

Here are some ideas to help you the next time you’re stuck in a rut. They might not be ground-breaking ideas, but you never know what could come out of a fun writing exercise.

1. Look into your family tree. Is there an ancestor with a cool story? Perhaps an old family member with no information you can find?

You could research them and find out the real story for a biography, or just make up a fun explanation! Maybe they joined the circus, or went off on a treasure hunt. You decide!

2. Imagine you could do yesterday again. What would you do differently?

Would you really just chill on the couch all day, or maybe go to the park and find a secret cave with a cult practicing blood sacrifices. The sky is the limit!

3. There are three of you: a good one, a balanced one and an evil one. How do the three of you interact?

This could be a fun, light-hearted comedy with an opportunity for witty jokes with your 3 selves arguing, or it could take a dark turn where your evil and good selves battle for control causing you to develop real and legitimate personality disorders. The balanced one is just fighting to survive. So many possibilities with this prompt.

4. Think of a child in your life. Write a page designed to make him/her fall on the floor with laughter.

There is something totally awesome about just writing an utterly silly story just for the sake of being ridiculous. It’s nice to take a step back, and not take yourself so seriously for a moment.

5. Imagine you can travel back in time to give yourself one piece of advice. What would it be?

How would your life change if you told yourself to ask out your crush? Would you be married or divorced? Or would you tell yourself to study more? Perhaps you would be a genius billionaire? It’s interesting to play the ‘what if?’ game sometimes.

6. Imagine you’re a criminal. Write a letter to your mum asking for forgiveness.

So many possibilities to outline a great story, leaving a lot of details up to the imagination of the reader with this.

7. What is the least convenient personal habit for a detective? Write about that detective.

A detective with bad eye-sight trying to solve a murder? A detective with the inability to communicate coherently? Are they a raging drunk? Perhaps they are a germophobe, neat freak? Just roll the dice on this one, and see what kind of chaos ensues!

8. Think about the most prudish person you know. Now sit him/her next to somebody behaving inappropriately.

Are they at a dinner party? On the train? Stranded on a deserted island together? The setting for this could be fun to play with too!

9. Take the names of the songs on your favorite albums. What if they were chapter headings?

I just checked my playlist, and just to name a few I have on there…1.) Hero, 2.) Shoot Out, 3.) Stranger Danger, 4.) Shameless, 5.) Elevate, 6.) Time Keeps Running, 7.) Enter Sandman, 8.) Los Angeles, 9.) Siren, 10.) Inside the Fire

Building your own story based on the titles of the chapters is sort of like working backwards, but could lead to some interesting twists and ideas.

10. Think of a nursery rhyme. What if it was set in modern day America?

Some examples of nursery rhymes are below if you want to get an idea of how to get started.

11. Recall the best present you ever received. Imagine it being given to somebody with different interests. How does he/she react on opening the present?

The best present I ever received was a hamster. If my brother got my hamster instead, I wonder how things would have played out. Jealousy would ensue for sure!

12. Take your neighborhood in 1000 years’ time. Write an opening describing your street.

This is very interesting because you get to describe something very familiar to you in an unknowable setting. Will your neighborhood thrive and become a booming technological environment? Or will it become decrepit and abandoned because of a zombie apocalypse? Maybe the whole neighborhood gets paved over to make way for an evil, multi-million dollar corporation?

13. Remember the last day you had outside in the sun. What would have happened if it had suddenly started to snow?

This could be a choose-your-own adventure story? Provide the reader with choices on how to survive the snowstorm! Or perhaps because of the snow, you make a snowman that comes to life? Many ways to spin this story.

14. You’re heading up a team of superheroes. What do you call yourself and why?

Bendy! Mr. Sandman! Veritas! Banshee! Fire Feet! These are terrible, but that’s what this is all about. Coming up with ideas that may, or may not be terrible and not worrying about it. Just have fun!

15. Look at the nearest object to you. What would its life be like if it could understand every word you say?

Nearest object is my pillow. It would probably hear all my embarrassing conversations with myself and judge me harshly.  You could use any object though! A clock, a candle, a book, or perhaps a knife? Making an inanimate object sentient is a great exercise.

16. You’re about to embark on a dangerous mission. Write a letter to your loved ones for them to open if you don’t make it.

Dear loved ones, you are probably aware that I am dead. There is a map here for you to follow and find a sacred object which will provide you with the clues to who killed me. Find the archaeologist. She will assist you.

Just an example from me! You could make something sad, funny, dark, futuristic. Your story is your own!

17. Imagine you’re a politician for a day. How would you spend your time?

Are you a corrupt politician? Do you start off with good intentions, and slowly make compromises that lead you down a dark path? Perhaps you forge alliances and take down some baddies, etc.

18. What if your favorite pet could talk?

I think about this ALL.THE.TIME. I hope she would say nice things about me, but who knows!? My poodle would be sassy, there’s not doubt. My golden retriever would be hyper and probably tell me to stop working and play with her.

19. Think about the last good decision you made. What would have happened if you’d made the wrong choice?

My last good decision was probably moving out to my apartment. I love my new apartment so much! So what if I never moved and stayed with my parents? Or what if I moved into a haunted house? Or maybe I moved to a location where all my neighbors were cannibals? That’s just my own personal example. What would your story be?

20. You pick up somebody else’s coat accidentally. Something in the pocket makes you suspect the owner of a crime.

Something similar actually happened to my mom. She got a new phone, and she was getting texts and calls from strangers that she didn’t know. The owner of that number was clearly a drug dealer of some kind because she was getting texts from people asking her to meet up for a deal. But there was one very chilling picture of a tied up boy in a dark place, and she was absolutely terrified to be suddenly in the midst of a possible kidnapping and all of this illegal activity.

So now that you have looked at these writer’s block prompts I hope at least one of them has peaked your fancy. I challenge you to pick at least one and write something right NOW. Take your writer’s block and spit in it’s face as you defeat this beast with a short story that hopefully sparks more creativity down the line.

Do You Hear the Bells?


You blink awake groggily to the sound of bells. It’s still dark. Your eyes take a minute to adjust in the pitch blackness of your room. 

“Sammie…” You call into the emptiness of your room, the tiredness heavy in your voice. 

Groaning you throw the covers off, and slowly get out of bed. Your door is ajar because you like to keep the air flowing through your room. Walking forward, you reluctantly poke your head outside your room to listen for the jingling sounds. 

Your little brother has sleeping problems, and tends to roam throughout the house while deeply slumbering. He was bumping into stuff, and getting lost. One time he managed to make his way outside without anyone noticing. In the morning when his bed was found empty a search party was formed, and he was located in the nearby woods. So your parents decided to tie bells to his feet so they could always find him if he gets up in the night.

Following the sounds of the bells, you make your way to your brother’s room. You squint your eyes, trying to locate him. You spot his dark silhouette standing, swaying slightly. You can tell he’s asleep. He walks forward, and bumps into the wall, jingling the bells.

You sigh as you walk towards him, rubbing your eyes. 

“Hey Sammie, get back into bed.”

He turns to you, head lolling to one shoulder, and arms swaying at his sides. He seems to walk in a semi-circle, not quite sure where to go.

“Dude you’re asleep just lay back down.” 

Seemingly he nods at you, and flops back into bed luckily. You scoot his feet fully onto the bed, and fling his covers onto his body. Feeling that your brother was sufficiently calmed down, you eagerly make your way back to your room. You sigh in relief as you finally get to lay your head back down onto your pillow, and nestle into your sheets. 


You’re not sure how much time has passed. You think you slept some, but can’t be sure. It’s still too dark to see clearly so it’s probably dead of night. Something feels wrong, and that feeling is what stirred you awake. Your entire body just goes from 0 to 100 as every muscle within you tenses.

Standing above you is your little brother. With eyes unblinking, and pale face deadpan, he is a statue looming over your bed. The sight is eerie, and just about had you falling out of bed. You still have the feeling of wrongness within you, but you begin to relax the slightest bit since your waking mind recognizes it’s just your little brother caught in a dream of some kind.

“Sammie. What the hell are you doing? Go to bed.” 

You’re more than a little irritated, but you know it’s not his fault he has these problems. Unsurprisingly he doesn’t respond. What is more unsettling than anything is how the normally expressive features of your brother are transformed into a lifeless mask, similar to that of a mannequin.

“Come on Sammie. I’ll take you back to bed again.” 

You notice something in his hand, and freeze. Your 7 year old brother is holding a very…sharp…knife in his hand. 

“Sammie, why do you have a knife?” 

You try to speak as calmly, but with as much force in your voice, as possible. 

“Put…the knife…down.” 

You stare at him, pleading silently, for what seems like an eternity. His eyes, resembling dusty marbles, do not move.

Eventually, he starts to turn slowly, and exits your room as if he was under water. Thankfully he drops the knife as he exits, but in a way that suggests he just forgot what he was doing rather than listening to any instruction from you.

As the knife clatters to the floor, you heave a great sigh of relief. Your brother has been known to become violent when he took his nightly walks. Holes in walls, and items slashed to bits for the family to find in the morning. One time they found blood on the ceiling, and to this day they have no idea how he managed to get up there or where the blood originated from.

You carefully grab the knife, and stash it under your mattress so he can’t get to it again. At this point, you close your door and lock it. You have been woken up twice tonight, and your parents can deal with any future disturbances caused by your wandering brother. You’re too tired to try to put him to bed again. 


You startle awake for a third time. Your body is alert, with your heart beating furiously through your chest. But your mind is more sluggish to respond with the lack of sleep not helping it function properly. You stare at the black void of the door to your room for a long moment, expecting your brother to ominously float in any moment.

But then you remember…you closed and locked that door before you went to bed. How is it open? The shadows of the open entrance seem to stretch endlessly before you as your mind comes to terms with this fact. 

Springing up from the bed you stride quickly to your half-open door and peer out of your room. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary you listen for the jingling of your brother. You can hear him moving around towards the kitchen. Begrudgingly, you feel like you must go to settle him back down again because he could be trying to get another knife. And if he can apparently pick locks while sleepwalking, you would prefer to avoid that altogether.

Walking through the house, you try to move carefully so you don’t startle him. You never startle a sleepwalker, because that can cause unpredictable behavior. Passing by your parents’ room you see their door shut. You try to jiggle the handle to wake them up. The door is locked unfortunately, and there’s no use trying to knock. As heavy sleepers, they won’t wake up for anything less than an atomic bomb going off. Lucky them.

You see your brother’s door is open, and just briefly look inside to see if he stored any other sharp objects for later. Your breath catches in your throat, and you stop in your tracks so fast you feel your heart slam into your chest.

There, in your brother’s bed…you see a black figure. Their chest was rising and falling slowly. Whoever is in there, is asleep. You try to make out the features, and recognize the form as…Sammie. You can tell by the pajamas he was wearing that it was indeed your brother just sleeping normally for once.

You look at his feet, and see the bells are still attached. 

Jingle….Jingle….Jingle echoes just down the hall….creeping…closer.



Lady Luck

I had some time today, and decided to write a silly one-off. 🙂 I’m not great at writing, but I had fun with this one. So just don’t take it too seriously and it should hopefully be an enjoyable read.


It’s just been discovered that luck is a hereditary trait. During the time that gene studies became popular in the 1920’s scientists were studying the dominant traits in humans that were passed down through certain individuals. It is known that blue eyes are more rare than brown eyes, and green eyes are more rare than blue, etc. But this group of scientists weren’t studying the possibility of luck being hereditary in the first place. They were there to study personality traits passed through DNA such as increased levels of aggression or anxiety. However, when they came across one subject (case no. 1297) who explained to the scientists’ questions about heritage that her father, grandfather, great grandfather, and his parents before him were all extremely…..lucky….they paused to listen.

Naturally the team questioning her for their test did not put much stock in this at first, but when she provided examples and newspaper clippings as evidence to her claim it certainly peaked their interest at the very least.

Her name was Ruby.

When Ruby was 5 her grandfather won the lottery. She was pictured in a black and grey dress seated in his lap as he proudly displayed the massive check for $60 million dollars. Ruby and her family were instant millionaires over night. But according to Ruby, that was the biggest recorded use of their luck passed down through the family.

She has word of mouth reports from her grandparents that when their family first crossed over from Poland and started a new life in America as poor farmers that when others were struck with drought or a bad crop season their families’ plot flourished with no explanation. Naturally the others around them became quite suspicious, so her family sold the farm (for an exorbitant amount of cash), and became gypsies of sorts. Others started to become suspicious when they were too lucky all too often. And so they would move on.

Another instance of their great luck is Ruby’s aunt. She had been in a terrible car crash during her twenties. She and her friends had all just come from a party and had been drinking quite heavily. The car flipped 6 times, and flew into a tree. Some of her friends’ bodies had been found flung from the vehicle with the force of the crash. All of them died either instantaneously or later in the hospital. Ruby’s aunt woke in the hospital scratched and bruised, but without any significant damage reported. Ruby displayed the medical records to testify this.

Ruby proudly claimed that her father’s lucky moment was when he got her mother to agree to marry him. He was an awkward writer with no social skills to speak of, and she just happened to be a waitress at the cafe he would frequent when he was in a creative slump. It was her very first day on the job, and she had been messing everything up all day, spilling drinks, and bringing out incorrect orders to the wrong tables.

She was passing by his table with a tray filled to the brim with several steaming plates of food, and drinks for six when she tripped on her shoelace. Ruby’s father reached out with two hands on impulse, and ended up not only keeping all of the items on the place without so much as a jostle, but also literally sweeping her off her feet by wrapping an arm around her to keep her from face-planting.

The scientists listening to this account all looked at each other incredulously since there was no factual evidence to corroborate Ruby’s story. Then one of them piped up and asked her what was her lucky moment?

She grew deadly serious then. And told them all that if she told them, she couldn’t guarantee their safety since of course….they weren’t born with luck the way she was.

From there the entire research project changed, and became an analysis of the credibility of this one girl’s statements. Ruby and her family are the stars of their paperwork, but amazingly after more inquiries were made and questions were changed in their tests….they found more. More testaments of lucky streaks running through family trees. And it became apparent that while some people do experience lucky or unlucky breaks from time-to-time, the frequency and volume of the luck that you experience is determined by your parents.

What we are all supposed to do with this information now is up to us. Next time you find yourself narrowly missing the sharp corner of a table you would have otherwise bumped into, waking up on time for work when you forgot to set your alarm, or finding $20 on the street randomly….perhaps a long time ago….your ancestors were experiencing the same things and transferred their good fortune all the way down to you.





The Loneliest Girl in The Universe: Book Review

It’s been a long time on this blog since there have been any updates. Seems like we are all pretty busy doing our own things. But I did get to finally squeeze in some time to do some reading.

“The Loneliest Girl in The Universe” by Lauren James is my newest conquest. It’s a sci-fi, thriller about a girl who is left as humanity’s last hope for colonization on another planet. Romy’s parents were supposed to stay awake during the journey while the entire crew was in cryo sleep. They would get to their destination. Safely land. And wake everyone else up to start colonization.

But what was unplanned, was Romy’s mom becoming pregnant. NASA wasn’t prepared with supplies for a baby during the voyage, and because I won’t spoil anything for you…just know that this caused some pretty bad stuff to happen. Every space journey is planned up to the most minuscule items on board, so yeah it really threw a wrench into their calculations.

Romy is the first person born in space, never knowing the ground or sky or any other human beings. Because of that, she’s spent her whole life dreaming of making friends, going to parties, and getting her first boyfriend like any typical teenage girl would be. As a reader, you really get a sense for how isolated she feels all alone, without anyone to confide in other than her diary.

Now she’s older, and she gets a message from NASA that another, faster ship, will be joining hers to help speed up her voyage. She’s so excited to finally not be alone! Her messages with the other commander take months to transmit, but Romy, having not experienced companionship with someone before, finds herself possibly falling in love with a person she has never met.

Trouble is brewing though. Her old ship is starting to show signs of malfunction. A war is breaking out on Earth. And in the mean time, NASA is no longer sending her messages of the progress of her journey. Total silence. Her only form of communication is through Commander J now. He seems to be her saving grace, keeping her from losing her damn mind from the solitude of deep space.

But…is he really who she thought he was? When the two finally meet, by way of connecting ships, Romy discovers that J has actually lied about many aspects of his life….And the shit really hits the fan. For the first time in her life, she realizes that being alone may not have been the worst thing that could have happened to her.

I won’t spoil things too much because I highly recommend you just read the book to find out what secrets unfold. But strap in for a slow build. The book doesn’t reveal anything until at least 2/3’s of the way in, but it’s all the better for it. It’s dark. Twisted. And leaves you feeling oddly ravaged, and empowered all at the same time by the end.

5 stars!

The Cruel Prince: Book Review

Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve read a good romance novel. But! The Cruel Prince by: Holly Black is certainly more than just that! It’s a fully fleshed story with murder, mystery, and a little bit of childlike wistfulness.

Image result for the cruel prince

This is a story set in the land of Faeries. Probably the most fascinating part of the this book in my opinion was all of the lore on faeries. They are so unlike anything human that to hear all of the little details about them in this story was what brought this book to life.

Rule #1 for humans: Always carry salt in your pocket just in case you accidentally eat faerie fruit. The embarrassment and possible horrors that await you if you don’t are better off not experienced.

Rule #2 for humans: Never dance at a faerie party unless you are prepared to dance until you die. Literally.

Rule #3 for humans: Wear a necklace of holly berries around your neck unless you would like to be charmed into doing literally anything a faerie suggests of you.

The list goes on, and on. But on the flip side, the humans have a leg up on faeries because apparently…they can’t lie. That’s the best way to trick the boy who may or may not have a crush on you into telling you how they really feel. Or getting your enemy to reveal their deepest secrets.

Faeries can be incredibly tricky though.

If you’re not careful you could accidentally end up making a deal with them for life. Have you ever thoughtlessly said, “Man I would do anything for _____ right now?”  Well in the land of faeries your word is as good as a binding contract. Better watch out.

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The story follows three sisters. Vivienne, a half human, half faerie girl, and her younger 100% human, twin sisters Taryn and Jude. At a young age their parents are murdered in front of them by Vivienne’s biological faerie dad. He takes all of the girls under his wing and raises them as his own. Aaaaw what a great guy. *sarcasm*

Viv is mostly interested in the human world, and despises everything about faeries. She practically runs away every chance she gets. Taryn and Jude however, actually love faeries. They were raised as if they belonged in the faerie realm and are pretty messed up by their conflicting feelings. Taryn tries to be a good girl and wants to bag herself a rich, faerie husband. Jude decides that the she wants to serve the Crown by being a Knight and earning her place among Faeries with her sword skills.

Well needless to say, none of their plans all go swimmingly. Each of the sisters go through their own trials in their own different ways. There are plots for the crown, and plots for dating boys, and a LOT of secrets. At the end of this book I just wanted to sit all three of them down for an open and honest discussion about what they were all doing because the secrets between them was killing me!

Overall, I would say this was a damn good book. I finished it really quickly because it’s an easy read, and Holly Black has a talent for ending every chapter with some sort of cliffhanger. If you want a good fantasy to immerse yourself in and you don’t mind equal parts bloodshed and hate-flirting with faerie dudes I recommend you try this nugget out.

Image result for cardan and jude

(Prince Cardan & Jude)

A Face Like Glass: Book Review

Merry Christmas to all!

I have finally been back in the saddle reading some books again. It feels really good to just curl up by the fire under a blanket with your dog cuddled up to your side as you finally take that time unwind from the stress of the day between the pages of a good book.

This post is about ‘A Face Like Glass by: Frances Hardinge’.

Image result for a face like glass

Since I am a visual person, I will often pick up a book solely if I find the cover intriguing. And that’s where my journey with this book began. The cover is dark, and mysterious. It gives nothing away as far as the story, but what it does reveal is this strange mask…of glass…The exact opposite of what you would want from a mask right?

Well that’s Neverfell, the heroine of our story. She is the little girl who lives in Caverna with a face…like glass. She is a strange girl whose face depicts every emotion that she feels deeply, while everyone else living in this underground city has no expression. At least not naturally.

However, what these people lack in facial expressions, they make up for with excellent craftsmanship of delicacies. Cheeses and wines to make you forget or remember your most important memories. Perfumes to charmingly ensure any who stand near. Shoes to help you move swiftly and quietly. The most magnificent curiosities you could think of and more! Caverna is alive with endless possibility for creation…and destruction.

Neverfell must navigate the intricacies of a highly sophisticated court with her biggest asset, and weakness on display at all times. Her face. She can’t lie.  She can’t hide her secrets. And as she discovers the darkest parts that Caverna has to offer she finds that the people she thought she could trust were hiding behind masks of their very own.

This book, while not containing any rough language or active violence, is incredibly dark. *Spoilers ahead* Neverfell was brought in to Caverna and used as a slave from the time of her childhood. Every person that came into contact with her was essentially using her for their own gains. They use her for slave labor as an apprentice. Use her to gain favor with Court. Use her to bring about a regime change. Use her as a scapegoat for murder. Use her as a poison tester. The list goes on.

This poor girl just wants to make friends, and live a happy life with people she loves. And literally everyone around her is just out for themselves. It was breaking my heart to read this book. She grew up so twisted from the lies and schemes from these selfish people that she thought she was ugly, and insane. Well if everyone around me was lying and trying to kill me 24/7 I would go insane too!


This is one of the more ‘out there’ books I have read though with a truly interesting cast of characters like The Kleptomancer, Cartogrophers that squeak like bats, A Facesmith apprentice, and a Grand Steward whose mind is split in two. Neither of which know what the other is doing.

The plot twists and turns just like the tunnels of Caverna. Dangerously seductive, and without any warning. Throughout the story I thought for sure I had solved the murderer and who Neverfell’s original parents were, only to find that I was off the path. It’s a story with shadows, but it has a hopeful and surprising ending. I definitely recommend this if you are looking for something…different. It’s certainly unlike any story I have ever read before.





30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 20

Courtney and I went to another one of those Sip n’ Paint events together and it was a blast! I really liked the way my painting came together.


Creating art can be way more fun if you add people, and booze!

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 19

I’ve been reading this book called A Face Like Glass, and I’ll be posting my book review on it soon. But I was inspired by it, and wanted to draw the main character, Neverfell.



She’s got shocking red hair, so I would love to color this later. It’s a fantasy book where Neverfell is the only person with real facial expressions. So her society says that she has a ‘face like glass’ that reflects all of her emotions back to everyone.

30 Day Drawing Challenge: Day 18

Day 18 coming at ya!

I’ve been playing Injustice and I’ve always loved the femm fatale characters like Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Cat Woman.


This was more practice with portraiture though. I just ended up really liking the sketch I had, and added more detail than usual.