Back To Basics

Let’s face it, everything kind of exploded about 6 months ago, didn’t it?

No one thought it could get worse, or more convoluted out there, but it did, and I’ll be the first one to admit that I got caught up in it.  From high profile suicides and political corruption to local and international disasters, it felt like everyone just needed a break and couldn’t find one.  I think we all needed to just live life a little bit and get outside of ourselves.

But now, here in The United States, we face economic and ecologic issues abound, a failure of government on both sides of the aisle, and an impeachment trial looming over all of us day in and day out.

Or so the media would have us all believe.

I know that this isn’t really the place to talk about politics, and I’m not about to change my writing and my entire platform to be able to.  But ya know what?  We need to talk about some of this.  So I’m not going to shy away from it anymore.  On top of me rededicating myself to a variety of projects and bringing back a lot of old stuff I’ve had on my shelf, I’m going to be reviving this platform.

I had always viewed this site as a place for us to talk about things that influenced our writing, and it is, but anyone who has written anything before knows this – Life affects our writing more than anything else.  So why do we not talk about life?  So strap in, and prepare to hate me or love me, because, in addition to our regularly scheduled content returning, I’m bringing more to the table.  Politics, Life, Local News, World News, AND Writing and Professional tips and anecdotes.  I’m going to write about it all, and I’m going to write about it significantly more often than I did.  Because if there are two things in this world I love, they are life and writing.  So why not merge the two?


I’ve got another 3 posts queued up for this weekend already, so I’ll see you all soon.  And Meagan, Courtney, if you guys read this, I encourage you both to do the same.  Let’s get back to basics and knock this out of the park.

The Live Writely Book Club

Hello again everyone!


I’m back again today to talk about yet another fun thing you may be interested in being involved with.

Because Courtney and I have problems managing our time, and we still want to keep up with reading despite crammed schedules, we started reading one book a month.  The intentions of which were to discuss the book on the Live Writely podcast once we have some backlogged content to give you all.  But I thought we’d take it another step forward and make an entire event out of it.

So today we launched the Live Writely Book Club on Facebook.  We will be posting book recommendations and taking recommendations from all of you there if you wanted to read along with us.  The group can be used for writing, reading, drawing, whatever it is you want to be able to keep going on you can post updates there.

We will be voting communally on most of the books we will be reading and running our promotions there as well as here (multiple entries if you like there and here 😉 ).  We wanted to be able to have a place to discuss the books we read while we put together reviews and podcasts and this will also give you a voice in what we may want to say about it so share your opinions!


Alright maybe I’m not doing a great job explaining it, but I definitely recommend joining and letting us know what you think.  There are a few questions you’ll be asked when you join, that’s just so we get to know you a little bit better as you come in to help work on what books we should read next.

Not joining for reading?  That’s fine!  Just tell us in those fields what you ARE joining for and we’ll make it all work.


You can find the group page here if you want to join.  We’re flying a bit by the seat of our pants with this right now so excuse how quickly everything was thrown together.  We just want to get a better sense of our community and get more in touch with our readers.


Hope to see you all there, and wish us luck!

Tess of the Road: Book Review

Hey guys!

I am slowly making my way through my list of books I wanted to read for 2018. If you want to check out my whole list, and read along with me you can find it here:

Image result for tess of the road

When I saw Tess of the Road, the first thing that intrigued me was the visually dynamic front cover. It depicts a lone adventurer staring down the face of a dragon. So I thought Wow. Cool. This would be your typical fantasy, adventure story. It’s right up my alley.

I was wrong.

Or at least, partly wrong. This is an adventure story, but it’s cloaked in something entirely surprising. The main theme screaming you in the face, and if you still didn’t get it by the end, slaps you repeatedly until you bleed is: female empowerment. It oozes in the very fabric of Rachel’s writing.

The main character, Tess, is a seventeen year old girl brought up by a cowardly, cheating father, and a devout, religious mother who viciously hammers into Tess’s head all of the teachings of ‘The sins of the flesh’. If a woman falls into temptation she is damned for all eternity, and must live the rest of her life in penance for such crimes. If a man is tempted by a woman, it is simply in his nature and not his fault at all.

And Tess, being Tess, is rebellious, and a rule-breaker. She defies all of the trappings of social convention. She falls from grace in her family’s eyes by becoming pregnant at an early age, with an attractive scoundrel who flees from responsibility. The baby is, unfortunately lost, along with the innocence of Tess’s childhood.

As the newly labelled pariah of the family, Tess faces only two choices: submit herself to the cloth as a nun, or run away from her destiny to claw out a new path for herself. As you can tell from the title, she chooses to walk on the road. Along her travels she meets a philosophical nun, a cheery prostitute, an old friend, and an attractive cripple. Each person she meets teaches her something important about herself, and Tess discovers who she is along The Road.

She’s not defined by her ‘sins of the flesh’. She’s someone who refuses to be put into a box and ignored. She is a strong worker. Good person, and an even better friend. I recommend this book if you’re a similar lost soul, looking to find your own path in this journey we call life. Tess is by no means perfect, and as a reader I could relate to the moral struggles she faces.

Oh! And there’s also a giant mystical serpent. That’s pretty important as well. I won’t say anymore on that subject, as the book left on a cliffhanger. So, I too, shall let them remain a mystery for curious readers to discover for themselves.




1.) The Magicians Trilogy

I’ve already started the first book, so if I don’t finish this one in 2018 I will be very disappointed with myself.


Quentin Coldwater is brilliant but miserable. A high school math genius, he’s secretly fascinated with a series of children’s fantasy novels set in a magical land called Fillory, and real life is disappointing by comparison. When Quentin is unexpectedly admitted to an elite, secret college of magic, it looks like his wildest dreams have come true. But his newfound powers lead him down a rabbit hole of hedonism and disillusionment, and ultimately to the dark secret behind the story of Fillory. The land of his childhood fantasies turns out to be much darker and more dangerous than he ever could have imagined. . . .

2.) The Sandman Series

This series has like…10 books, but I have already read half of them, and they are small since they are graphic novels. So I’m lumping them all together. These are my absolute favorite books, and I am planning on doing a book review about them soon. I just haven’t been able to finish them yet.


In PRELUDES & NOCTURNES (Sandman Series Vol #1), an occultist attempting to capture Death to bargain for eternal life traps her younger brother Dream instead. After his 70 year imprisonment and eventual escape, Dream, also known as Morpheus, goes on a quest for his lost objects of power. On his arduous journey Morpheus encounters Lucifer, John Constantine, and an all-powerful madman.

3.) The Lunar Chronicles

I read Cinder, and fell in love. When I found out there were other books telling different versions of fairytales I knew I wanted to read more.


CINDER, a gifted mechanic in New Beijing, is also a cyborg. She’s reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s sudden illness. But when her life becomes entwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she finds herself at the center of a violent struggle between the desires of an evil queen – and a dangerous temptation.

Cinder is caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal. Now she must uncover secrets about her mysterious past in order to protect Earth’s future.

4.) The Demonata Series

I’ve been a fan of Darren Shan since his 12 book Cirque Du Freak series. I read the first book of the Demonata series years ago, and loved it.  I’ve somehow wandered away from it, and still find myself wondering what lies in store for the main character Grubbs. Since I can’t get it out of my head, I know I need to finish this one or it will haunt me forever.


Grubbs Grady is an average kid. A bit bigger and slyer than a lot of boys his age (he loves to play evil, ingenious tricks on his sister), but nothing special. He leads an ordinary life, and expects it will always be that way. But when his parents and sister behave strangely … and Grubbs decides to stick his nose in … his entire world is thrown into chaos. He discovers that demons are real, and that terrible things can happen right in front of your eyes.

5.) The Cruel Prince


 Jude was seven years old when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King.

   To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences.

   In doing so, she becomes embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, discovering her own capacity for bloodshed. But as civil war threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.

6.) Tess of the Road


In the medieval kingdom of Goredd, women are expected to be ladies, men are their protectors, and dragons get to be whomever they want. Tess, stubbornly, is a troublemaker. You can’t make a scene at your sister’s wedding and break a relative’s nose with one punch (no matter how pompous he is) and not suffer the consequences. As her family plans to send her to a nunnery, Tess yanks on her boots and sets out on a journey across the Southlands, alone and pretending to be a boy.

Where Tess is headed is a mystery, even to her. So when she runs into an old friend, it’s a stroke of luck. This friend is a quigutl–a subspecies of dragon–who gives her both a purpose and protection on the road. But Tess is guarding a troubling secret. Her tumultuous past is a heavy burden to carry, and the memories she’s tried to forget threaten to expose her to the world in more ways than one.

7.) The Job of the Wasp


A new arrival at an isolated school for orphaned boys quickly comes to realize there is something wrong with his new home. He hears chilling whispers in the night, his troubled classmates are violent and hostile, and the Headmaster sends cryptic messages, begging his new charge to confess. As the new boy learns to survive on the edges of this impolite society, he starts to unravel a mystery at the school’s dark heart. And that’s when the corpses start turning up.

8.) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

I’ve seen the movie, but never read the book. I’d like to see if it’s as fun to read as it was to watch.


Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out-of-work actor.

Together this dynamic pair begin a journey through space aided by quotes from The Hitchhiker’s Guide (“A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have”) and a galaxy-full of fellow travelers: Zaphod Beeblebrox—the two-headed, three-armed ex-hippie and totally out-to-lunch president of the galaxy; Trillian, Zaphod’s girlfriend (formally Tricia McMillan), whom Arthur tried to pick up at a cocktail party once upon a time zone; Marvin, a paranoid, brilliant, and chronically depressed robot; Veet Voojagig, a former graduate student who is obsessed with the disappearance of all the ballpoint pens he bought over the years.

9.) The Internment Series

I have been a huge fan of Lauren DeStano since I read her other series, ‘The Chemical Garden’. When I saw that she has more books out there, I knew I had to get my hands on them.


On the floating city, you can be anything you dream – a novelist or a singer, a florist or a factory worker… Your life is yours to embrace or to squander. There’s only one rule: you don’t approach THE EDGE. If you do, it’s already over.

Morgan Stockhour knows getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though her older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. There’s too much for her at home: her parents, best friend Pen, and her betrothed, Basil. Her life is ordinary and safe, even if she sometimes does wonder about the ground and why it’s forbidden.

Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially once she meets Judas. Betrothed to the victim, Judas is being blamed for the murder, but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find—or whom she will lose.

10.) A Face Like Glass


In the underground city of Caverna the world’s most skilled craftsmen toil in the darkness to create delicacies beyond compare – wines that can remove memories, cheeses that can make you hallucinate and perfumes that convince you to trust the wearer, even as they slit your throat. The people of Caverna are more ordinary, but for one thing: their faces are as blank as untouched snow. Expressions must be learned, and only the famous Facesmiths can teach a person to show (or fake) joy, despair or fear – at a price. Into this dark and distrustful world comes Neverfell, a little girl with no memory of her past and a face so terrifying to those around her that she must wear a mask at all times. For Neverfell’s emotions are as obvious on her face as those of the most skilled Facesmiths, though entirely genuine. And that makes her very dangerous indeed.

Drawing from Feeling

Have you ever just put on a song and put pen to paper, and see what comes out without worrying about making it perfect? I get art blocks, because more often than not I am too trapped inside my own head. I’m thinking, “What should I draw? Who should I draw? What is the message?”. And while these are things to think about, sometimes when you’re just staring at a blank canvas, and struggling to even come up with anything you need to just unplug and let your mind wander.

When you’re not worrying about the subject, or the message of your work then you’re free to explore all possibilities whether they are perfect or not. It doesn’t matter if you’ve captured the way a person’s eyelashes curl, or the exact shade of blue in the sky because you’re not drawing anything in particular. You’re just exploring, which is always beneficial even if it doesn’t turn out right. Because then, at least you have created something rather than put everything off until you come up with the perfect idea.

‘Humanity’ by Meagan Deiss. 2018.

I was just feeling pretty out of sorts the other day, and put on some music. I grabbed a piece of paper, and started scribbling loosely, just playing with colors. I was just going with the flow, not trying to draw anything in particular. I wanted to capture the song, and the feelings I had in the moment.

It’s a good exercise if you are having art blocks. Choose a song, whatever speaks to you, and try to draw that song. How do you capture the bass sound? How do you capture that melody on paper, and visually represent the feelings it brings within you? Whether it is abstract, or traditional there is no wrong answer as to what you come up with.


The Pledge

A great deal of time ago, I wrote this story. I never finished it, as I do with most of my projects, but I thought of posting it here for entertainment. Some day, I may find myself picking this up again…

Chapter 1

“I told you. The blue one looks more slimming”, Eleanor called imprudently. “You don’t want to scare everyone off with your unsightly back fat”, she added.

Merritt rolled her hazel eyes, and replied without missing a beat, “Yes, but then who would be there to distract everyone from the bloated potato on your face. Oh wait…that’s your nose, isn’t it?” A cheeky smile curled Merritt’s lips.

Eleanor crossed her arms, and harrumphed indignantly. But then a moment later they both looked at each other, and laughed.

“You know…”, said Eleanor pointedly, “ I heard from Mrs. Knowlton that a great many families from the Danton entourage will be in attendance tonight. Not to mention, Mr. Levi Danton himself.”

Merritt raised her eyebrow in confusion. “So?”.

“Well, you two were childhood friends, were you not? And it’s been so long seen you’ve seen each other. Aren’t you excited to make his acquaintance again?” Eleanor questioned her sister, as she looked at herself in the mirror approvingly.

A laugh bubbled from Merritt’s throat at this. “Well of course I’m excited to see him! I haven’t had anyone to talk to in months besides you! And your conversation is as stimulating as staring at a blank wall.”

Eleanor glared at her younger sister. “Ha. HA.”, she replied sarcastically. “ And you know that’s not what I meant.”

Merritt finished smoothing out her sapphire blue gown, and looked at her sister in bewilderment. “No? Then, I’m positive I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Sometimes, Eleanor felt that they weren’t even sisters. Merritt could be so dense! “I meant aren’t you excited to see how he’s changed? To see if…feelings have changed since you’ve been a part? You’ve both grown so much in the last 7 months. He’s a man now, and you’re…well you I guess.” She shrugged.

Merritt continued to scrunch her brows in bewilderment. “In…what way?”, she questioned.

“Oh nevermind!”, Eleanor scoffed. “ You’re the worst person to chat with about girl matters. I swear, I’m better off talking to Papa about these things than you!”. Eleanor threw up her hands in exasperation, and walked off, leaving Merritt to finish getting ready.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, seeing her pale blonde hair, and even paler complexion. Merritt actually knew what she meant. She just didn’t think things were like that for her, and Levi though. He was her best friend since childhood. They played together. Grew up together. Got into trouble together. “We even made a promise to each other. Friends forever.”, she recalled to herself. That wouldn’t change after just a few months a part….would it?


4 months ago in Brick Brack’s Shack:

Three figures stood in a dark, and empty room of the festively named tavern, Brick Brack’s Shack. It was a place for those without a place to find refuge for the night. And for others, it was a place for dirty dealings, and any manner of deed that should not be spoken of in the daylight hours.

One of the three figures appeared to be wearing a black, dusty looking robe. His hood was covering most of his face from view, but the little illumination there was still highlighted his milky white eyes, which stared at the door stoically, waiting. The other two were chatting quietly.

The shorter one was a flashy girl in radiant colors. She had striped and polka dotted mismatched socks that somehow complimented the rest of her random ensemble that looked thrown together. Her short hair was bright, cherry red, and at the top of her head were two furry wolf ears. Her eyes were golden like the sun.

The one she was talking to was a handsome, tall man with black hair. He was surely dressed for a party with a fine dark coat, decorative maroon vest, and top hat. His shoes were polished, and his black gloved hands were pressed around an expensive looking cane with two heads, one laughing, and one crying.

The door opened just then, and the two stopped talking. They all looked at the boy who walked into the room.

“Sorry I’m late”, he said apologetically. “I just got into town, and had some things to take care of.”

“The only one who stands to be hurt by your lateness, Levi, is you.”, said the tall gentleman.

Levi shrugged, as if to say, ‘Oh well. What can ya do?’.

“So, after all this time, you are ready to stop resisting, and obediently work off your father’s debt to us?”, questioned the tall gentleman with an elegantly raised brow.

Levi sighed heavily as he replied, “The way I see it, there’s no way around it. You’ve got me pinned into a corner here. Which I’m sure was part of your plan all along.” He glared at them all.

The red haired girl smirked at the tall man, and exclaimed, “Yup! Soren’s great at that!”

“Soren, huh?”, Levi said far too casually. “ Guess I never even bothered to learn your name after all these past months. I’ve just been calling you Demon, or Bastard.”

Soren smiled, yet his eyes remained cold as he said, “Yes, well, Whelp or Bitch suits you too, I think.”

“Haha! He called you bitch!”, giggled the small wolf girl.

Levi’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

The dark robed man cleared his throat, startling Levi who didn’t even notice his presence.

“Shall we begin?”, he rasped, speaking for the first time since entering the room.

Soren nodded in agreement. The girl smiled wickedly. “I’m Ylfa, your witness, and the chatterbox over there is Rumel by the way. He will be officiating the ceremony.”

“Kneel in the middle of this etching.”, the mysteriously cloaked Rumel said.

Levi also hadn’t even noticed the complex drawing on the floor. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but it must have been a spell of some sort.

“Oh, and I suggest you find something to bite down on.”, Ylfa said cheerfully. “Don’t worry about the sound. No one will hear your screams. The walls have been silenced already.”

“Wha-?”, Levi started to say with more than a little concern in his voice, but as soon as he entered, the magic rune lit up, binding him inside the spell.

A flash of silver caught Levi’s eyes from Soren’s direction. He pulled out a sharp dagger from his coat pocket. Levi gulped in fear. He wasn’t informed of this! Knives were not good! Sweat was starting to bead on his forehead as he thought that maybe he should have asked more questions about this first.

Soren stripped off his black glove, and made a large cut along his own palm. ‘As long as it’s not me’, thought Levi.

“With this blood, we bind.”, said Rumel, chanting from a rehearsed verse only he knew the words to.

Ylfa brought over a large wooden box with ease, which was surprising considering it looked like it weighed a great deal more than she did. She opened it for Soren, and backed away quickly, not at all wanting to be near what was inside. With his bloody hand Soren reached into the box, and grabbed a long, silver chain, taking care to smear his blood all along the individual links as he did so.

“With these chains, we ensnare.”

And at Rumel’s words, the bloody chains levitated from Soren’s palms. Levi was astounded. He knew magic was real of course, but couldn’t help but be amazed when it was right in front of him all the same. It wasn’t every day you were part of a spell being cast! Even if it was to his own detriment.

‘Don’t think the boys back home will believe any of this’, he mused to himself darkly.

“With these bonds, your will be broken.” Rumel’s words echoed throughout the room ominously.

Like a whip, the chains flew to Levi’s skin, wrapping and coiling around him. The silver gleamed red with Soren’s blood, and burned itself into his body, melding silver and flesh together. Levi couldn’t help it.

He screamed.

The chains scorched and wriggled under his skin, physically burrowing into his body. The pain was excruciating. It was the worst feeling he ever experienced. It was both tearing his body apart, and melting it from the inside. His throat was hoarse with screaming, and he could feel his vision darkening. He was about to pass out.

“The shackles of subjugation command you to speak. Do you bequeath your life to this demon?”, called Rumel. His words sounded as if they were underwater. Everything was fading to Levi. He felt so weak, so stripped of his being.

“Levi! Answer!”, shouted Soren, briefly cutting through the murky fog of his mind.

Before his eyelids fluttered closed, and his muscles completely gave out, Levi sealed his fate with the whisper that would change his life forever.


Photoshop Brushes

Here are some resources I have found helpful if you are looking for 100% free digital brush sets. I may write another blog post about this topic, showcasing the brush sets that are worth paying for as well. Just let me know down in the comment section if you’re interested.


This is the largest free brush site I have come across in my search on the internet, and I use it quite often. Basically, if you can think of it, it’s on here. They’ve got trees, clouds, patterns, speckles, animals, grass, hair, grunge, texture, etc. There is even a sister site to this one called ‘Vectoreezy’ if you are looking to get clean vector images for your Illustrator designs. Now all of these are uploaded by regular artists, just like you and me, and they tend to have a disclaimer whether they would like to receive credit for their work or not. So read the description about the brush set thoroughly before you download.

Creative Bloq

They have compiled their very own wonderful list of brush sets that are awesome. So, they’ve already done most of the work for you! What I really like about their list is the pencil, realistic charcoal, and marker brush sets. When painting digitally sometimes it’s hard to replicate that ‘traditional’ style you get with good old fashion pen and paper.

My Photoshop Brushes

This is another great resource. There are a lot of famous, professional digital artists that upload their personal brush tool sets on here with reference photos to what they painted themselves using those particular brushes. So, if you want to paint like Connor Burke, a renowned concept artist, his brushes are literally on this website. And they’re free!


DeviantArt is not only a website dedicated to artists all over the world uploading their work for critique, and selling prints. There are a lot of artists that upload their own brushes for free as well. Again, you will have to look at the description to see if it is available for personal, or commercial use. Just type in brushes, or brush sets in the search bar, and see what you’ve got! Because it is an open source site, not all of these brushes will be high quality, so use your own discretion.

Personality Quiz!


Which Live Writely Blogger are you?

1.)    * Insert obligatory what’s your favorite color question here *

a.) Purple.

b.) Teal?

c.) The blood of my enemies.

d.) GREEN.


2.)    If you were able to choose 1 food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

a.) Waffles.

b.) Ass? Or sushi.

c.) The hearts of my lovers.

d.) Not tomatoes.


3.)    What would you name your boat if you actually had one?

a.) Lil’ Scootin’ Booty.

b.) The USS cuntpunch 9000.

c.) The Tainted Weasel.

d.) End of the Line.


4.)    Which fictional character would you try to bang immediately upon meeting them in real life?

a.) Sesshomaru. (and then I’d be dead from him killing me)

b.) Do porn stars count as fictional characters? If not, the Majin Buu Arc, Videl from Dragon Ball Z.

c.) Lady Galadriel.

d.) Knuckles.


5.)    What is something that your brain tries to make you do, and you have to will yourself not to do it?

a.) My brain keeps trying to turn itself off. I have to fight to keep the damn thing on.

b.) I succumb to all my poor decisions.

c.) Overdose on sugar.

d.) Sleep.


6.)    Your house is on fire. What do you grab first?

a.) The fire extinguisher.

b.) My cat, and the Playstation.

c.) Pants.

d.) Water.


7.)    If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

a.) Drink all the alcohol I can get my hands on.

b.) Go to work? It’s a day, not a lifetime. Let’s be practical.

c.) A copious amount of drugs.

d.) Sleep.


8.)    The best part of waking up is….?

a.) Going back to sleep.

b.) Knowing you get to go back to bed in a few hours.


d.) Not.


9.)    You are cryogenically frozen for 500 years. What is the first thing you do?

a.)  Yawn, sneeze, and fart at the same time. Been holding that in forever.

b.)  Pissssssssssssssss.

c.)  Kill the first person I see.

d.) Google myself.


10.) Lastly, what is your spirit animal? (I know. It’s dumb. But just pick one)

a.) Red panda.

b.) The Wiley fish in a barrel.

c.) A motherf***ing dragon.

d.) Hawk.




If you picked mostly A: Meagan!

Congratulations! You’re pretty quiet and weird, but also artistic. So, that’s pretty neat.


If you picked mostly B: Alex!

Wow! That’s some personality you got there. Better use your charismatic, yet slightly disturbing traits for good, eh?


If you picked mostly C: Courtney!

Neato! Your mental health is questionable, but you are adventurous and give no fucks.


If you picked mostly D: Brandon!


Awesome! You’re sort of lazy, but very mysterious when you want to be. You keep people guessing!

Shoutout of the Week

Every once in a while I want to highlight a particular artist that I’ve come across in my travels that I really liked, or found interesting. So, today I wanted to bring to your attention the amazing Ellen Jewett. She is a fantastic sculpture artist that creates life-like animal sculptures, and puts her own twist on them. Some examples are below:



On the surface, they are just cool to look at. Like….damn! It would take me years to make something like that, and it still wouldn’t look half as elegant I bet. But a lot of her sculptures have a deeper meaning to them, and each one is unique to each sculpture. You can find themes of, in her own words, “natural beauty, curiosity, colonialism, domestication, death, growth, visibility and wildness are [all] explored.”

Her artwork has a surreal, and childlike whimsy that I enjoy as well as just looking gosh darn neat!

If you haven’t heard of her, or seen her full portfolio, I highly recommend you check her out. The link to her website is below:


Metempsychosis: Rebirth(ish)

What happened to my passion? A pledge of change.


Let’s talk about sex.

Just kidding.  This blog is a about books.

When I was younger I hated to read.  I read the first couple chapters out of the books that were assigned to me, and then I would lose interest and just BS the tests that I was given (I had learned enough from listening in on class discussions and what my friends had talked about to just pass under the radar), but outside of that, the idea of having a book in my possession was practically treason of the worst kind.  There was only one book that I had read at the time that I enjoyed, You Don’t Know Me by David Klass (which is still to this day, concerningly, one of my favorite books), which I read a solid five times before I hit high school, and was one of the first books that I had ever finished (I highly suggest it, and you should see a review of it coming up in the next month or so).

And then there was high school.  I remember what started my passion for reading books. I was in humanities my freshman year, we were having a silent work day and I didn’t much feel like doing homework or reading what the teacher had assigned.  So instead, I decided to flip through my text book and see what all it could teach me- I was a weird kid, don’t judge.  At the very back of my textbook was the beginning of the end of my financial responsibility:  Great Expectations.

Now I know you’re thinking “Courtney, that is the weirdest shit.”  And trust me, I know.  I spent so much time not paying attention to teachers of multiple classes to read a textbook, that I don’t really know how I passed high school, or still got considered to be decently intelligent.  But that book opened up some doors that I never thought existed.  I had read so many books that were based off of history, or american culture, or anything else cliche that you can  think of.  Great Expectations brought me back to You Don’t Know Me with toilet-John and his bullfrog-tuba, his abusive step father, and practically getting raped by his high school crush.  It was the notion that not all families are perfect.  After I finished, I dreamt of being Pip, of stumbling upon a convict in the graveyard one day, and then falling in love with a rich adopted girl.  With some other curveballs thrown around like wildfire, of course.  

From then on I read books endlessly.  Going to a book store was like picking out a puppy and left me with just as much joy.  I had a whole list of books that I would ask for Christmas every year (to which my grandmother asked if I was worshiping the devil, but that is more means to drink than to discuss), and when I got a job a good portion of my extra cash went towards stacking my bookshelf.  I spent my life sitting in the front room on the middle cushion with my dog laying on the floor with me, and a pillow to prop my book up so my neck wouldn’t hurt.  As soon as I came home from school I would sit down and read until my eyes hurt and the rest of the house had gone to sleep. 

But that is not the point of this article.  

I remember so fondly the beginning of my passion for books and literature, but I cannot recall for the life of me what got in the way.  And that is deeply troublesome.  

My friends and I used to talk endlessly about books and sharing ideas and gossiping- Some of which turned into a slightly unhealthy obsession to which I won’t talk about sober.  I looked forward to the books that my friends would lend me and then talking about them as we went.  I loved the power of being the first one to read a book, and the others asking me what was in store.  The cracking of a fresh seal was my favorite sound in the world and that papery-inky smell that wafted from the book when you opened it up for the first time (I call it book virginity in my head.  Gross, I know).  But then something happened, and I wish deeply that I knew what it was.

In the entire year of 2017 I cannot recall a single book that I finished, and very few within a couple years preceding that.  I had several that I started, but all of them still have paper in them from when I put it down and did not pick it back up.  I chalked it down to having an un-interesting story, but I soon realized that the problem was within myself.  

So this year, 2018, I pledge to read more.  To spend as many hours a week as I can with my nose in a book, rekindling the fire of lost passion.  I have started off well, with the makeshift bookmark towards the back of the novel this time, and my interest still piqued.

Metempsychosis-the supposed transmigration at death of the soul of a human being or animal into a new body of the same or a different species.”  Aka, I wish to come back to my body after something had killed me.  

I raise my glass and ask you all to follow with me in the same journey of rekindling old flames.  Whatever yours may be.


-The Rogue Courtney


Tell me your favorite books so I can read them!

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